Webinar: "Divestment: What Can We Do To Move Our Money, Today?"

Start: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 1:30 PM

End: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 2:30 PM

Live on YouTube

There is great opportunity coming off the heels of the powerful organizing, victories and increasingly unified work among Fossil Fuel Divestment, Prison Divestment, DeFundDAPL, DeFundPipelines, BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions), and BankExit groups. In coordination with Divest the Globe Week of Actions, we are hosting a nuts-and-bolts webinar on what you can do, today, to move your money out of the extractive Wall Street economy and into local community institutions financing a better economy

This webinar will cover models for divestment campaigns in cities, tools for individuals and non-profits to move their money, and resources to move capital as an individual or part of a campaign.

Webinar panelists & moderators include:

Jackie Fielder, Organizer, Mazaska Talks
Emma Guttman-Slater, Beneficial State Foundation
Annie McShiras, Self-Help Federal Credit Union
A representative from the DOME-Huichin divestment coalition in Oakland, CA
The speakers will share information and resources that you can use individually or in your cities or institutions to move capital. The webinar will include specific ideas participants will be able to implement immediately, discussion of long-term organizing opportunities, as well as time for Q&A.

Beneficial State Foundation.


On October 23rd, ninety-two of the world's largest banks will meet in São Paolo, Brazil to vote on a policy that upholds indigenous people's right to Free, Prior, and Informed Consent  (FPIC) to allow or disallow projects on their lands. These banks include Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) financiers such as Wells Fargo, Bank of America, J.P. Morgan Chase, and more. As Energy Transfer (the company behind DAPL) made clear in their lawsuit against Greenpeace and others,