Webinar: End the Blockade on Gaza

Start: Saturday, May 30, 2020 4:00 PM

End: Saturday, May 30, 2020 6:00 PM

Jointly organized by Palestinian and Jewish activists, this event means to commemorate together with the Freedom Flotilla Coalition a decade since the lethal attack on the first Flotilla and to call for the immediate and complete lifting of the illegal blockade on Gaza.
The event will include two memorial gatherings streamed live from Acre and Jaffa, where MK Aida Touma Suleiman and Sami Abu Shehadaeh will speak. Participants on boats challenging the blockade will share their experience: Amira Hass, Sheik Hamed Abu Daabas, Rami Elhanan and Jeff Halper.
We will also hear from Marwan Mahmoud, a Palestinian from Gaza. The event will include poetry, music and singing contributed by the following artists: Dareen Tatour, Dror Feiler, Zeev Tene, Meira Asher, Tal Nitzan and Shmulik Tzur.

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