Webinar - Growing Together: Pathways to a Fair Food System for Ireland

Start: Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 7:00 PM GMT

End: Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 8:30 PM GMT

This is a virtual event

Our Growing Together agri-activists have been busy researching and interviewing farmers around the country and have curated the latest research to establish a path to a more sustainable food system for Ireland. This research, due to be released in September, will explore the environmental and social inequities of our food system, and outline the potential that the concept of food sovereignty holds to make our food system more ecologically and socially just.

Join the co-authors along with some innovative farmers and growers from around the country to launch this exciting piece of research.

About Growing Together Ireland

Growing Together is a cross European project which aims to provides a voice for young people, particularly those from rural areas, to engage with crucial debates on the future of food production, and the wider debates on the future of Europe. The aim of the project is to support young activists and farmers to build skills and take action on issues relating to food and agriculture.

This event starts at 7pm Irish Standard Time.