Webinar: Official launching of 3 English-speaking WBW Chapters in Africa

Start: 2024-06-01 15:00:00 UTC Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London (GMT+00:00)

End: 2024-06-01 16:30:00 UTC Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London (GMT+00:00)

This is a virtual event

World BEYOND War (WBW) is a global nonviolent movement founded on January 1st, 2014 to abolish the institution of war and establish a just and sustainable peace. The heart of WBW is to find a way to transition to a global security system that is supported by international law, diplomacy, collaboration, and human rights, and defending those things with nonviolent action rather than the threat of violence. The work of WBW includes education that dispels myths, like “War is natural” or “We have always had war,” and shows people not only that war should be abolished, but also that it actually can be. This work includes all variety of nonviolent activism that moves the world in the direction of ending all wars.

In Africa, the first WBW chapter was launched in November 2020 in Cameroon. In addition to establishing WBW in a country severely affected by war, the chapter also aimed to support emerging chapters and extend the organization's vision across the continent. Through awareness-raising, coaching and networking, chapters have been formed in the following countries: Burundi, Mali, Nigeria, Uganda, Senegal and Zimbabwe. Others are in the process of being created.

On January 1, 2024, WBW created the position of Africa Organizer, to foster organizing for peace in Africa. The World BEYOND War movement continues to grow in Africa, with new chapters launching officially their actions towards ending war on the continent. The new chapters are Togo, Côte d'Ivoire, South Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Gambia and South Sudan.

The event will be organized as two webinars, on Saturday 1st June at 1pm GMT for the French-speaking chapters and 3pm GMT for the English-speaking chapters. The agenda includes an introduction to WBW, a presentation of the country and chapter context by the Prospective Chapter Coordinators, the role and missions of the chapters, and WBW's support. Time will also be allocated for experience-sharing by the coordinators of other chapters. Join us for a lively discussion with the following speakers:

Moderator: Fatoumata Sossia Djire

Fatoumata Sossia Djire is the WBW Mali chapter Coordinator. She is a highly dedicated professional, bringing over 5 years of experience in the Non-Profit sector, with a specialization in conflict resolution and gender issues. Her passion for research and unwavering commitment to collaborating with women and youth drive her efforts to foster gender equality. In addition, she actively advocates for SDG 16, working towards promoting peace on a global scale.


Omar Mboob

Omar Mboob is a Youth leader and Activist who started the World BEYOND War chapter in Gambia. He is passionate for advocating SDGs and is a specialist in youth development and Social Justice. Omar is a Youth development African Award Nominee 2023, Founder of Gambia Youth Leadership Activist Advocacy (GYLAA), National Coordinator for African Youth Leadership Hub Gambia Chapter. He is Head of Advocacy for Equal Trade Alliance Gambia, TAWER AFRICA Ambassador.

Charles George Onen

Charles George Onen is from South Sudan. He has a degree in Public Administration and Management and Diploma in Food Security and Livelihoods. Currently, he is working for an organization called SUPPORT FOR WOMAN IN GOVERNANCE ORGANIZATION as a program Manager. He is the founder of Agri-Edu and community Link Network.

James Samson Owaka

James Samson Owaka is a Peace Practitioner & Social Justice activist with over 10 years standing. He is the Executive Director at CPSS Africa, a Regional Peace & Security Organization implementing programmes within East/Horn of Africa Region.

Guy Feugap

Guy Feugap is the Africa Organizer of World BEYOND War. He is a teacher, writer and peace activist based in Cameroon. His overall job is to educate youth for peace and non-violence. His work puts young girls in particular at the heart of crisis resolution, awareness raising on several issues in their communities. He joined WILPF Cameroon when it was established in 2014 and founded the Cameroon Chapter of World BEYOND War in 2020.

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