Webinar: Peru facing the failure of democracy

Start: 2023-08-05 11:00:00 UTC Eastern Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-04:00)

End: 2023-08-05 12:00:00 UTC Eastern Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-04:00)

This is a virtual event

In the last 5 years, Peru has faced multiple political and social crises, which have resulted in the deposition of presidents without completing their terms. In January of this year, President Pedro Castillo was illegally removed from office by Congress and put in prison.

This situation generated a context of great social upheaval, leading to several mobilizations in the country to demand the resignation of Mrs. Dina Boluarte, proclaimed by Congress as president, and the restitution of democracy in the country.

Various human rights organizations have spoken out in relation to the multiple human rights violations committed by the Peruvian political and Armed Forces against people protesting in the country. Many of these complaints have been made in the south of the country.

In addition to this, in June 1,200 members of the US Army entered Peru with weapons of war and military equipment, under authorization of the Peruvian Congress, in an operation called "Sentinel Resolute", which seeks to strengthen the US military presence in Latin America and give a boost to the government of Dina Boluarte, who has a 92% disapproval rating.

In this webinar we will have activists and defenders of Peace and Democracy in Peru to discuss the current context in the country, including:

Héctor Béjar: Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru, Peruvian writer, sociologist and lawyer. Professor at Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and the National Major University of San Marcos.

Ricardo Soberón: Director of the Center for Research on Drugs and Human Rights, Peruvian lawyer, university professor, writer and consultant specializing in drug policy.

Ruben Dario Apaza: APU MALLKU from Native Authorities Council Puno Region

Aida García Naranjo: Former Minister of Women, former ambassador to Uruguay, politician, educator, feminist.

David Swanson: Executive Director of World BEYOND War.

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Organized by World BEYOND War

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