Webinar: Youth and use of digital media for peace

Start: 2024-09-04 15:00:00 UTC West Central Africa (GMT+01:00)

End: 2024-09-04 16:30:00 UTC West Central Africa (GMT+01:00)

This is a virtual event

Host Contact Info: guy@worldbeyondwar.org

The Cameroon chapter of World BEYOND War, WILPF Cameroon and Women's Peace Initiatives organized a solidarity dialogue for the International Youth Day in August. The event brought together 40 active young community leaders and change makers to reflect on the theme of this year’s celebration. As as result of the dialogue, the young leaders affirmed their commitment with the values, principles on effective use of digital media in promoting peaceful and responsible living amongst themselves and communities. We invite you to join us for this webinar to learn more about the solidarity dialogue.

The webinar will be held on Zoom, on Wednesday 4 September 2024, from 3 to 4:30 PM (Cameroon time, GMT+1). It is a panel with young leaders from civil society and universities to discuss approaches and importance of conflict prevention, youth opportunities and challenges in cultivating the culture of peace, with the following speakers:

Amb Bochum Samuel Bache

Bochum Samuel Bache is a passionate, positive and self-motivated Cameroonian multiple awards-winning global peace ambassador, youth empowerment and community development leader with nine years’ experience in coordinating youth development programmes, advocating and engaging youth participation at policy levels on development issues. He is the Founder and Executive Director of Youth Advocates for Peace and Community Empowerment Cameroon (YAPCEC), Director of PEACE ACADEMY Cameroon. He serves as Cameroon National Youth State Delegate to the Commonwealth Youth Council under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Civic Education, and the Commonwealth Department of the Ministry of External Relations of the Republic of Cameroon since 2018.

Armelle Ndongo Donkeng

Ms Armelle Ndongo Donkeng is a Gender Expert, Disarmament Program Coordinator and current Secretary General of the Cameroon section of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF Cameroon).
She started working in the civil society in 2004 and has held various positions, including Programme Officer, Security Policy Officer and, since 2017, Disarmament Programme Coordinator.

Claris Eyenga

Claris Eyenga is a MSc Student in Conflict Resolution at the University of Buea, Cameroon. She is a Multifaceted, growth-driven, highly analytical with broad-ranging skills on knowledge on issues of peace, security, development, and child protection. Interning at the Ministry of External Relations where
she worked in the Commonwealth department has provided her with invaluable insight into the diplomatic efforts and International Relations involved in building peace. Also, interning with Defyhate Now Cameroon as a Peace Researcher helped her cover research and teaching on the causes of violence, including war, and the conditions of peace.

Louis Makazi

Louis Makazi is a dedicated student and entrepreneur with a strong background in International Relations. He has successfully established and managed several businesses and projects, demonstrating his entrepreneurial spirit and leadership skills. Currently, Louis is furthering his education by pursuing a master's degree in Conflict Resolution, where he aims to apply his knowledge to address complex global challenges.

Moderator: Yves Tieumena

Yves Tieumena is a peace advocate with a particular interest in promoting women's rights. He has worked as a Project Coordinator to improve youth participation in community activism. He is a member of WILPF Cameroon, and works with several other civil society actors and organizations. He recently participated in the MenEngage Africa and Training Institute (#MATI 2024), and is very interested in the role men can play in achieving feminist peace.

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The webinar will be in English. It will be recorded and the recording will be made available to all registrants afterward.
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