Week 1 Albany Non-Violent Moral Direct Action

Start: Monday, May 14, 201811:00 AM

The Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival will undertake 40 Days of Action to launch a massive movement to address the evils of poverty, racism, militarism, and ecological devastation. Every week for six weeks all kinds of people across the country will congregate at their state capitals to raise awareness about the unique and common ways they are affected by the evils. Some will participate in civil disobedience to withdraw their consent from a status quo that doesn't prioritize the basic rights and needs of humans.

Fill out this form so that we can ensure you have the proper information and accommodations you may need to get there and participate in the action for week 1.

11am - Bus drop off and convening for participants at First Presbyterian Church, 362 State St. Those intending to participate in civil disobedience will meet just down the street at Emmanuel Baptist Church, 275 State St.

1:30pm - Depart First Presbyterian for West Capitol Park

2pm - Rally at West Capitol Park, State St.

Event by
Joe Paparone
New York, New York
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