Week 5 Albany Non-Violent Moral Direct Action

Start: 2018-06-11 11:00:00 UTC Eastern Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

This is a virtual event

The Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival will undertake 40 Days of Action to launch a massive movement to address the evils of poverty, racism, militarism, and ecological devastation. Every week for six weeks all kinds of people across the country will congregate at their state capitals to raise awareness about the unique and common ways they are affected by the evils. Some will participate in civil disobedience to withdraw their consent from a status quo that doesn't prioritize the basic rights and needs of humans.

This week's theme is: Everybody's got a right to live - education, jobs, Income, labor, housing, and the right to organize

We will have buses available from NYC and Rochester. If you would like to sponsor a bus or van, please contact Joe - jpaparone@labor-religion.org

Fill out this form so that we can ensure you have the proper information and accommodations you may need to get there and participate in the action for week 5.


7 am - NYC bus - Gather at Union Theological Seminary (120th and Claremont Ave.) for 7:30 departure.

11-11:30 am - Registration at Emmanuel Baptist Church, 275 State St., Albany

11:30 am - Non-violent moral fusion direct action training (required for all who are considering civil disobediance and marshals, optional for all others).

2 pm - Rally at West Capitol Park. Those not attending the training should meet us at the park at 2pm.

More details will be provided when you RSVP.


  • The immediate implementation of federal and state living wage laws that are commensurate for the 21st century economy
  • The right for all workers to form and join unions.
  • Equal pay for equal work.
  • Guaranteed annual income.
  • Fully funded anti-poverty programs that protects the welfare of all.
  • Decent, safe public housing for the poor.
  • A budget that promotes the general welfare.
  • Fully-funded welfare programs for the poor and an end to the attacks on SNAP, HEAP, and other vital programs for the poor.
  • Equity in education and an end to re-segregation of schools.
  • Free tuition at public colleges and universities and an end to profiteering on student debt.
  • Equitable funding for historically black colleges and universities.
  • Relief from crushing household, student, and consumer debt.
  • Repeal of the 2017 Federal Tax Law.
  • Wealthy and corporations pay their fair share of our country’s urgent needs around decent and affordable housing, free public education, a robust social safety net and social security.


Event by
Joe Paparone
New York, New York
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