Welcome and Onboarding Call 013121

Start: 2021-01-31 17:30:00 UTC Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

End: 2021-01-31 18:30:00 UTC Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

This is a virtual event

Welcome to the Movement for a People’s Party!

We're building a major new progressive populist party in America. A party that is completely free of corporate and billionaire money. Because Wall Street has two major parties and working people have none.

A large majority of Americans want a major new party, support progressive policies, and want money out of politics. With more than ninety thousand members and supporters like Jimmy Dore and Cornel West, the Movement for a People's Party is making it happen.

Join our Welcome Call to learn about our mission, strategy, decentralized structure, and how to join a national working group, or help build a local hub . We're organizing with Bernie's platform before members determine the final platform at the founding convention.

On the call we'll share our plan to become the largest party in America in the next four years, including hosting a founding convention next year, sending representatives to Congress in the midterms, and running a presidential candidate in 2024.

Before the call, please sign up on our volunteer page and share any skills, experience, or areas of interest you may have. You can read our community agreements and join our team comms platform, Slack, from our volunteer page.

Volunteer and join Slack

After the call you'll have everything you need to dive into organizing the People's Party!

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