Welcome to Country for the December Rebellion

Start: Tuesday, December 05, 2023 5:00 PM

End: Tuesday, December 05, 2023 6:00 PM

XR Vic honours the sovereignty of First Nations peoples of the lands on which we rebel. We acknowledge that the December Rebellion takes place on the unceded lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation and we pay our respects to Wurundjeri elders. We acknowledge that the climate emergency in which we find ourselves is the consequence of aggressive, extractivist policies which began with colonisation, continuously violate the human rights of indigenous people in Australia and worldwide and have pushed our planet's precious and delicate environmental balance to the critical point of a 6th mass extinction.

Extinction Rebellion Victoria's December Rebellion - a week of disruption to end the destruction - begins on Tues Dec 5th. Join us as for a Welcome to Country with a smoking ceremony by a Wurundjeri elder in Lincoln Square, Swanston St, Carlton at 5pm on Tues 5 Dec.

We would also like to invite you to join us prior to the ceremony for Contemplating Country - at the Drill Hall 26 Therry St, Melbourne 3000 from 3:15 to 4:30 pm, Tuesday 5 November 2023

Contemplating Country - A contemplative practice to honour First Nations and connect with Country

Experience a practice of Acknowledging Country, co-designed with First Nation’s Practitioners and XR Regen Crew. In the practice we sit in circle, listen deeply and contemplate country: the blessings of land, water, people, culture, spirit. You can register separately for this event here: https://actionnetwork.org/events/contemplating-country-at-the-december-rebellion?source=direct_link&