Wells Fargo Divestment Party
Start: Friday, January 27, 2017•11:00 AM
End: Friday, January 27, 2017• 3:00 PM
Divestment from major banks is the last piece of the puzzle to disrupt the systems not in line with public well being. Wells Fargo is being highlighted because it is the most visible of the U.S. banks financing the pipeline, loaning close to $500 million for its construction.
The part we must remember is this $500 million is in part the people's money!
The banks have preyed on the public long enough, join us in solidarity and lets show Wells Fargo that we are not going away. We do have a say, we say not to invest in companies who disregard humanity and the rest of the life on Earth!
We are coming together over the long haul to get as many people to divest from these banks as possible and move their monetary wealth to Nonpartisan Credit Unions.