West Hollywood: Childcare for All Tabling

Start: Saturday, March 04, 202311:00 AM

End: Saturday, March 04, 202312:30 PM

Join us to talk to parents and community members about Childcare for All In West Hollywood!

This park-based tabling + canvass event is organized to build connections and solidarity with community members, while growing an organized base of support for this popular socialist demand—a demand that puts the needs and well-being of children, parents, workers, teachers, and communities ahead of the needs of capital.  

New comrades and long-time socialist organizers and community members are invited to join us. The event kicks off with a training to make sure comrades have all of the information and resources they need before talking to parents at the park or knocking doors. Comrades new to the campaign will be paired with experienced organizers.

More about the DSA-LA Childcare for All campaign: Universal Childcare will provide play-based childcare to every worker in Los Angeles County, and ensure childcare jobs are public and unionized!

Who needs Universal Childcare?

Children! Universal childcare levels income inequality in the long term. It provides all children with regular meals and clean and safe facilities where they can play, interact with others, learn, and grow in healthy, wholesome, and developmentally appropriate ways.

Parents! In most families, both parents work, and childcare is a necessity. Only 14% of infants are covered under current subsidies for childcare and 41% of all preschoolers. Working families can expect to pay a third of their annual household paycheck on child care alone. Parents deserve Universal Childcare.

Childcare Workers! Childcare workers, overwhelmingly women and people of color, work in substandard conditions and are paid a median wage of $23,760. Early childhood educators receive few to no benefits or workplace protections. Childcare providers deserve well-paying, union government jobs with full benefits and protections.

All Working People! Childcare is so expensive that some people delay or forgo having a family. Just like public education, we shouldn’t be paying out of pocket for something that is essential to our children and society. We need universal childcare just like we need to continue funding public education, so everyone can grow, learn, and flourish.