West Side Canvass for $4 Billion Investment in Our Schools and Communities

Start: Wednesday, August 04, 2021 3:00 PM

End: Wednesday, August 04, 2021 6:00 PM

The mayor and her handpicked Board of Education have received more than $4 billion in federal funds all told so that we can build back our schools and communities, as we finally see the spread of the pandemic virus slow down. This should be an opportunity to build back better, but the mayor and board have chosen to spend just $61 million — less than two percent of that amount — to staff our schools with the nurses, social workers and other supports that students and communities need to overcome the tremendous trauma they’ve experienced since before the pandemic.

First graders can’t wait until they get to fourth grade to get a reading specialist, librarian, nurse, social worker. It’s outrageous that $61 million is all that’s going to schools right now.

Mayor Lightfoot and her board aren’t really listening to the communities they represent and their needs. So we will do that listening for them. Join other CTU members in knocking on doors and talking to neighbors about the reality of the budget and what schools and communities need.

Volunteers will receive training and support from staff organizers before and during the canvass.