Westside Childcare for All Political Education Meetup

Start: Wednesday, March 01, 2023 6:30 PM

End: Wednesday, March 01, 2023 8:00 PM

Join local comrades to learn about and discuss historical struggles (both domestic and international) for universal childcare, in support of our chapter's Childcare For All campaign. In addition to day-to-day campaign work, we are committed to ensuring structured, ongoing spaces for working people to learn about how this campaign fits into our collective struggle for freedom, liberation, and power for all people.

Recommended readings to ground interactive discussion are listed below. New and long-time comrades welcome!

  • The Universal Childcare Debate (1966-1974): Read the highlighted sections

  • The Invisible Child? The Struggle Over Social Democratic Family Policy: From the reading: “Mothers were at once seen as responsible and dependent: they were given responsibility for the welfare of their children, while being economically and legally dependent and unfairly treated in a way that made it difficult to beat that responsibility. Women were exposed to a profoundly contradictory definition. They were compelled to contain, and in some way in their own private lives to resolve, a basically social conflict, and one that ultimately stemmed from a denial of parenthood, care, and upbringing as socially existent, a denial of reproduction - or in other words, of the foundation for the continued existence of society. To be at once powerless and held responsible for what one has no power over is most assuredly a common social mechanism of oppression. Only when this conflict is released, ‘externalized’ from its bearers, and becomes visible - social in a real sense - can it be resolved…. To put it simply, the conflict may be seen as a struggle, primarily on the part of women, to politicize and make visible this whole socially suppressed side of reality.”