What would a Basic Income mean for you and Lambeth?

Start: Saturday, March 6, 2021 at 4:00 PM GMT

End: Saturday, March 6, 2021 at 5:00 PM GMT

This is a virtual event

"Another sunset over Lambeth Town Hall" by oosp is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

What’s important to you 'Back to normal' OR 'Build back better' ?                            

With 3MillionExcluded and even Policemen & nurses going to Foodbanks.....how do we move forward ?  

Rishi Sunak is being urged to deliver a Universal Basic Income for everyone :-    

                                                        A UBI Trial is being proposed in the UK.                                                                     Is this Crazy economics OR a Covid recovery solution?    

UBI is seen as a way to give people unconditional security and support those doing unpaid work like caregiving. See Quick guide to UBI https://www.ubilabnetwork.org/faqs  

People are saying it can ‘Unlock the nation’s potential’.                                                                                           How ? And Let's ask :-  

  • What would UBI mean for you ?

  • How can we create local assets and better living for many not the few ?

  • What do existing UBI Trials reveal ?

  • What questions do we want answered through evidence if there is a Trial in Lambeth ?

Maybe you're not sure UBI can solve all the challenges we face as a society but you can see what your neighbourhood needs to thrive. Or maybe you want to celebrate local efforts so that more people can be inspired.

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What topic, activities or people would you like to see a UBI Lab support in Lambeth ?    

A UBI Lab process is about people-potential, re-thinking & Testing, action for policy change and mapping the scope of UBI as a foundation to tackle individual, community, environmental and socioeconomic development.    

Nationwide there are 38 Labs across Cities including themed for Women, Young People, Arts, and soon for NHS and Environment.  

Let’s have a voice !

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