7/5/19 White Ally Toolkit Pot-Luck Discussion Group
Start: Friday, July 05, 2019• 5:30 PM
The White Ally Toolkit Discussion Group is an ongoing, supportive environment in which to learn to talk with "race skeptics" - those who downplay or flat out deny that racism is a problem in our community. Many of us have attended the White Ally Toolkit Workshops but previous attendance is not necessary to come to a pot-luck dinner/discussion.
All are welcome - let us know if you are bringing kids. We have a casual dinner and social time before we focus the discussion on helping white people use empathy-based dialogue to dismantle racism and unconscious bias in our own communities and families.
White Ally Toolkit materials can be found at www.whiteallytoolkit.com There are videos, webinars, workbooks, and a complete description of this project by Dr. David Campt on the site.