Rachel's Swing Left 2020 Kickoff House Party in Wilmington

Start: Saturday, February 02, 2019 1:00 PM

End: Saturday, February 02, 2019 3:00 PM

Swing Left & Swing Blue! All are welcome, including Tewksbury, Woburn, Burlington, Reading/N.Reading, Stoneham, and anyone else nearby! There will be homemade treats in the form of chocolate :-)
Join us to learn about Swing Left's 2020 strategy and to meet other activists in our area. We'll view Swing Left's national kickoff video and then plan our first local action—and you’ll have the opportunity to get started right away by writing letters to unregistered voters in critical states, with a registration form and instructions in the envelope.  

Event by
Rachel Banderob
Wilmington, Namibia
Sponsored by
Cambridge, MA