Wish Washington Gas a Happy Birthday!

Start: Friday, July 14, 202312:00 PM

For three consecutive weeks, XRDC has invited Washington Gas to face off against us in a series of challenges - challenges we have won by default as WGL chose not to make an appearance. But far be it from us to be sore winners. In fact, we will show our esteem for them by throwing them a birthday party!

Washington Gas has now been in the business of toxic, polluting, planet-heating methane gas for 175 years. You do the math - that's 1848! This outdated energy source has no place in our city or in our homes any longer. So for their milestone birthday, XRDC invites you to come together with fellow rebels to bring Washington Gas the gift of the truth: methane is a death sentence for the people of DC and for the world.

Meet at Banneker Park in DC on Friday, July 14th at noon, rain or shine. Bring a food item or drink to share if you can, and a canopy if you have one!

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