With or Without You: Town Hall for Senator Gardner
Start: Friday, February 24, 2017• 5:30 PM
***First Come, First Seated!***Doors open at 5:00PM***
Thousands of Coloradans having been trying for weeks to get the attention of Senator Gardner in a good-faith effort to encourage him to set up a face-to-face town hall, especially during February recess week. The senator has declined so far, and so we're going to make it as easy as possible for him, we're organizing the town hall.
We will ask our questions in a civil forum among our community neighbors with or without the senator's presence. He has, however, been invited in good faith and encouraged to attend.
- Not a demonstration, protest, march, or rally.
- Not a venue for negative, hyper-partisan, or polemical remarks
- Not a completely open forum; with a potentially large crowd and a time limitation - we can't pass around an open mic. A call for questions was posted to members of the groups who organized this event. The questions will seek to cover each issue area where Coloradans have expressed deep concern, and the people asking the questions will act as representatives for the group as a whole.
To share our deepest concerns through a civil, constructive, and respectful gathering, and to send a message to Senator Gardner that meeting face to face with his constituents is an essential part of his public service job.
While it is very UNLIKELY the Senator will attend this event, the best outcome would be for him to do so, and as such, the civil tone and manner of the town hall will demonstrate that he had no reason not to attend. If the story that results is that he didn’t show up, the only question everyone should be asking is - why not?
Will Senator Gardner be there? It is highly UNLIKELY, but an invite has been extended to him in good faith.
What will the program look like? In the first half of the program, we will share questions directed at Senator Gardner (whether he attends or not). These questions were submitted in advance by members of the groups who organized this event, and the folks who ask the questions aim to represent all Coloradans on the issues. The second half of the program will feature Christine Berg, Mayor of Lafayette and former congressional staffer to Jared Polis, on the topic of how citizens can be most effective in influencing their members of congress.
Will the press be there? Yes, press will most likely attend, and we will be videorecording. By attending this event, you may end up on camera.
Can I bring a sign? You may bring signs as long as they do not display anything that you wouldn’t want an 8-year child to see (e.g., no curse words, nothing mean)
Will I get to ask questions? With a potentially large crowd expected and a time limitation, we won't be able to pass around an open mic. Earlier in February, the groups who organized this event put out a call for questions and gathered over 100 from their members. We have since been working to consolidated and segment these into the most important issues that we feel Senator Gardner should address. In the interest of time and structure, we will call upon the people who submitted questions in advance and who agreed to stand up and ask their question on behalf of the group. As time permits, we will ask for audience member questions. However, since every audience member no doubt would like to ask Senator Gardner questions, you will be provided with cards at the event to write all your questions down. We will then gather these cards and hand deliver them to Gardner's office the following Monday.
Will other politicians (Senator Bennet, Congresswoman DeGette) be invited to attend? No. This town hall is by and for Colorado citizens. The goal is to have a dialogue with (or without) Senator Gardner regarding our concerns about his willingness to connect with us.
How can I connect with others for a carpool? After you RSVP, you'll get a link to sign up for carpools.