Women's March 2018 South OC | Hear Our Vote

Start: Saturday, January 20, 2018 9:00 AM

End: Saturday, January 20, 201812:00 PM

Nothing lit a fire under the resistance like last year's Women's March!
If you were lucky enough to be one of our three hundred DWSOC participants last year,
then we don't have to tell you the huge impact the March had on everyone.
As 2018 approaches, we sadly have an even longer list of reasons to MARCH,
so let's go ladies!!
Bring your men, your kids, your friends and family and join us in Santa Ana to be a part of something truly amazing.

We have chartered luxury motor coaches to provide roundtrip transportation from the Outlets San Clemente to the Women's March location in Santa Ana on January 20, 2018.
March time is approximately 9:00 am to Noon with exact times TBA. Click the LET'S MARCH button below to purchase your transportation, member package and/or commemorative T-shirt.