Women's March - Grand Junction, CO
Start: Saturday, January 21, 2017•12:30 PM
The nonpartisan Women's March for Grand Junction Organizing Committee is hosting a local women's march and rally to coincide with the national "Women's March on Washington."
People participating are encouraged to march in honor or memory of family or friends. Those wishing to march will gather behind the old R-5 school at Seventh and Grand beginning at 12:30 pm. Starting at 1 pm, we will march along Main Street from Seventh to First Avenue.
At the rally following the march, speakers will address the importance of empowering women and girls.
We hope you'll join us!
- This march is not a protest. It is a statement that women and girls are valued in Mesa County.
- Women and girls make important contributions to our lives and have played important roles in our history.
- Women's rights are human rights.