Women's March on New Jersey 2018

Start: Saturday, January 20, 201811:00 AM

On January 21, 2018, thousands of women, femmes and allies will come together in Las Vegas, Nevada, to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Women’s March and to launch our collective 2018 Women’s March agenda: #PowerToThe Polls.

We in Morristown, NJ are organizing a march and rally on January 20th for the Women's March anniversary weekend.

From the Women’s March to the Women’s Convention, we’ve seen how powerful we are when we gather together, share space and lift each other up. While the official Women's March anniversary event will take place in Nevada, Women’s March Chapters are organizing exciting state-specific anniversary events throughout the anniversary weekend, from marches to legislative actions to community events to voter registration drives.

We are excited to celebrate the achievements of women since last year’s incredible demonstration of resistance through sister marches across the country. Since then, we ran for office, we organized, we told our stories, we listened, and we voted. We are now ready to mobilize women across New Jersey to bring our Power to the Polls this November, and continue our march towards equity and justice.

The Women's March on New Jersey 2018 will begin in Morristown, New Jersey at Morristown Town Hall, 200 South Street, at 11:00 a.m. After a welcome and send-off, we'll head out to march the streets of Morristown, ending at the Morristown Green, where we'll hear from a program of diversified and compelling speakers. The event will conclude about 1:00 p.m.

For more details, visit www.womensmarchnj2018.com. This is where you'll find answers to FAQs, our speaking program, parking and transportation information, safety and security details and a complete list of our sponsors and partners.

Together, we will show this administration that women are not backing down.

The Women's March on NJ 2018 is hosted by Action Together New Jersey, Black Lives Matter Morristown, BlueWaveNJ, Communications Workers of America, District One, League of Women Voters of the Morristown Area, Mobilizing Montclair, New Jersey Citizen Action, New Jersey Working Families Alliance, NJ 11th for Change, Planned Parenthood Action Fund of New Jersey, and Wind of the Spirit.