Women's March Sioux Falls

Start: Saturday, January 21, 2017 9:00 AM

We are standing up in our Sioux Falls community as defenders of human rights. We are standing in solidarity with the Women's March on Washington, on January 21, 2017.

The Women's March Sioux Falls mission statement is as follows:

"We are peacefully marching to show our strength, courage, and solidarity with WOMEN and South Dakotans, including the LGBTQ community, people of all faiths, people of color, immigrants, people with disabilities, and people of all genders. We stand united for equal human rights."


9AM: Gather at Calvary Cathedral, 500 S. Main, Sioux Falls

10AM: Begin Marching down Phillips Ave to City Hall, 224 W. 9th Street

We will gather at City Hall and have a couple of strong, local women in our community stand up and speak on women's issues as well as state and local issues.

11AM: Head to TBD location for coffee and camaraderie.

Thank you for the hospitality of Calvary Cathedral for providing us with a warm, indoor location to gather at the beginning of the march.

And a big thank you to Amy Jarding for designing our Women's March poster.

For more information, you may check out the LEAD Facebook page here:

Or check out our Facebook event here:


Or go to the Women's March on Washington website for more info or to find a March near you!
