Women's March - Walnut Creek/Contra Costa County CA
Start: Saturday, January 21, 2017•10:30 AM
End: Saturday, January 21, 2017• 1:00 PM

Join us in Walnut Creek for the Women's March on January 21st. The Women's March on January 21st is a national movement for women, men, and children who stand for human rights, civil liberties, diversity, and compassion for our shared humanity. We march to support and inspire each other and the nation to celebrate, honor and protect our diversity, freedom and human rights. We gather in community to find healing and strength through tolerance, civility, and compassion. This is a non-partisan march. We welcome all people to join us as we unite locally and nationally, on January 21, 2017, to stand together in justice, respect and inclusion for all. This is only the beginning! We will unite locally with the main march in DC and sister marches in every state and major metropolitan area across our great country to stand together for justice, tolerance and inclusion for all. For details visit: https://womensmarchwccc.wixsite.com/march.