Women's March Wooster: Power to the Polls!
Start: Saturday, January 20, 2018• 1:00 PM
End: Saturday, January 20, 2018• 3:00 PM

We in Wooster, Ohio are organizing a Women's March Wooster on Saturday, January 20, 2018 for the Women's March anniversary weekend. We want to show that we bring #PowerToThePolls in Ohio!
From the Women’s March to the Women’s Convention, we’ve seen how powerful we are when we gather together, share space and lift each other up. While the official Women's March anniversary event will take place in Nevada, Women’s March Chapters are organizing exciting state-specific anniversary events throughout the anniversary weekend, from marches to legislative actions to community events to voter registration drives.
Together, we will show this administration that women are not backing down.
Join the Women's March Wooster in Wooster, OH for the first anniversary of the Women's March. Last year, the outpouring of support for women’s rights was overwhelming, from our nation's capital to right here in Wooster and Wayne County -- and our Women's March Wooster 2017 had 700 attendees. We understand that women’s issues in a larger sense are everyone’s issues. Pay equality, comprehensive affordable healthcare, a women’s right to choose, a clean environment in which to raise our children, a fair tax plan, immigration to insure our county continues it’s great tradition of being the world's melting pot, the right to love any person we choose, the support of dreamers, and the right to be treated with fairness and respect without harassment. “These truths are self-evident” whether or not you’re female or male. Therefore, we invite and encourage everyone, men and women, to stand in solidarity with our spouses, our partners, our children, our friends and our families to express our intentions to continue to support women’s rights. We will stand to protect our safety, our health and our dignity. Remember, “United We Stand,” so please come out and join us.
Afterward, on Sunday, January 21, 2018, thousands of women, femmes and allies will come together in Las Vegas, Nevada, to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Women’s March and to launch our collective 2018 Women’s March agenda: #PowerToThe Polls.