Working People's Day of Action: Orlando, FL
Start: Saturday, February 24, 2018•11:30 AM
End: Saturday, February 24, 2018• 1:30 PM

ON FEBRUARY 24, join workers from across Central Florida for a special screening and workshop on the film "At the River I Stand," the 58-minute documentary that reconstructs the 1968 Sanitation Workers’ Strike in Memphis.
Now celebrating its 50th Anniversary, the Memphis strike galvanized a community and a nation, brought about sweeping changes for the working poor, and served as the setting for the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a leader who more than any other, understood the unbreakable bond between civil rights and workers’ rights.
Following the film, we will walk through key similarities between those times and our own, and draw conclusions that will help in understanding the challenges we face today. A trailer of the film is below.
This event is solidarity with thousands of working people and our allies across the nation who are standing up for our freedom to come together in strong unions and fight. Fight for equitable pay. Fight for affordable health care, quality schools, vibrant communities and a secure future for all of us. Demand an end to a system that’s rigged against working people.
Corporate elites, extremists and corrupt politicians who do their bidding have rigged the rules of our economy and our democracy against us.
Now wealthy special interests want to further rig the system in a Supreme Court case called Janus v. AFSCME Council 31, which attempts to divide working people and limit our power in numbers because unions give workers a powerful voice in speaking up for themselves, their families and their communities.
When we join forces and stick together, we are unstoppable. Fifty years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. joined striking sanitation workers in Memphis, Tennessee, as they fought for the freedom to join together in a strong union and for dignity and respect on the job.
On February 24, working people and our allies will rise up to defend the very freedoms for which Dr. King fought and died. Join the Working People’s Day of Action.