XR DNA Part 2/2 via Zoom

Start: 2020-01-24 09:30:00 UTC Adelaide (GMT+09:30)

End: 2020-01-24 11:00:00 UTC Adelaide (GMT+09:30)

This is a virtual event

Have you found the pulse of Extinction Rebellion yet? The XR DNA Workshop is essential for all rebels to attend so we can consolidate the organisation that is Extinction Rebellion into one organism with a single heartbeat.

The growth of Extinction Rebellion has been explosive across the globe. Following from natural processes, Extinction Rebellion has a core ‘DNA’. This acts as the base for all our activities. The DNA includes: our demands, 10 principles and values, and our organisation structure. In this workshop you will learn more about these key characteristics of Extinction Rebellion and how you might fit into the growing Extinction Rebellion organism.

This workshop is the next step for those who’ve seen our Heading for Extinction talk and wish to contribute their skills and passion to the movement.

To take the hassle out of getting places in hot summer weather we are taking the DNA workshop online during January. We promise it will still be fun, interactive and heart-connecting using the tools that Zoom Video conferencing has to offer. You will receive the Zoom link after you RSVP.


We have split the workshop into two parts. Both parts are important so please commit to doing the whole experience but you can switch days/times as suits you to complete the two sections.

This signs you up to Part 2 of a 2 part series via the video conferencing app - Zoom. After you RSVP you will receive a web link that will allow you to join the online meeting.

Please ensure that you complete Part 1 before attending this session: