DSA-LA Back to School Phonebank for Prop 15!

Start: 2020-08-29 12:30:00 UTC Pacific Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-07:00)

End: 2020-08-29 14:30:00 UTC Pacific Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-07:00)

This is a virtual event

Join us for DSA-LA’s special Back to School Phonebank in support of Proposition 15, aka The Schools and Communities First Act! Education workers, parents, and students all have a stake in this fight, and we'll be making calls, hearing from educators and students, and getting fired up about Prop 15!

Prop 15 is a crucial piece of legislation that, if passed, will reclaim ten to twelve BILLION dollars a year for California’s public schools and services by closing a commercial property tax loophole that has been benefiting only a fraction of corporations and wealthy investors for decades.

Prop 15 seeks to chip away at the harmful Reagan-era austerity measures that have decimated our school systems and public services since the 1970s by requiring owners of commercial property with valued over $3 million to pay taxes based on market value, rather than purchase price. Prop 15 is a progressive tax measure-- more than 92% of the revenues come from the top 10% of commercial property owners and will benefit working-class Californians.

Since the 1970s, corporate property tax breaks ushered in by Prop 13 have allowed California’s school systems to fall from among the top 10 in the country to the bottom 10. How the state spends our money is a reflection of its priorities. Every year the state of California spends nearly 7x more per incarcerated person than we do per student — demonstrating a bigger commitment to imprisoning us than to educating us. Proposition 15 is a chance for us to set our priorities straight by putting our schools and communities first, not corporations.

This proposition is a crucial step towards redistributing the wealth and resources that corporations have been hoarding for years back to the working-class public. So please join us to help spread the word. Together we can build a California that works for all of us, not just the wealthy few.