Your Vote. Your Vote. Your Future.
Start: Tuesday, September 20, 2022• 1:00 PM
End: Tuesday, September 20, 2022• 5:00 PM

Please join us for our National Voter Registration Day Event. We need you now more than ever.
Where: YWCA of Northwest Ohio, 1018 Jefferson Ave. Toledo, OH 43604
What: We need volunteers to help set up. register voters, assist voters with updating their information, help voters find their current polling locations, distribute voter education materials, assist with the food tables, assist with the giveaway table, run the children's table, and guide people into the event.
When: September 20, 2022 from 10:00 - 12:00 EST
Why: As you all know, this mid-term election is crucial for so many reasons: our democracy, our children's education, our voting rights, and our personal freedoms are in jeopardy. Here in Toledo, there have been many voting location changes that many are not aware of, causing confusion. We have to fight for our rights and our democracy!
It's crucial that we register people to vote, check registered voters' polling locations (since so many have changed), update voters' addresses, and educate everyone on the issues, how to vote, the new early voting location, voter ID laws, and how we must be diligent and show up to ensure that our voices are heard.
We welcome partners to volunteer and appreciate your help.
In Solidarity,
The YWCA of Northwest Ohio and Our NVRD Partners
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