YSW TU Rent Strike Solidarity Canvass - June 22nd

Start: Thursday, June 22, 2023 6:30 PM

As of June 1st, our friends at the York South-Weston Tenant Union (YSW TU) have been organising a rent strike against their landlord Dream, who has been increasing rents 3 times higher than rent control.

Even during the pandemic rent freeze in 2021, Dream (also Ana Bailão's previous employer and current landlord of her campaign office) increased rents by 3% in the building. To make matters worse, tenants are being asked to pay more for less. For more than a year they have not had access to their balconies and most recently have been asked to leave their units entirely for renovations, without compensation.

Join CJTO as we canvass with the YSW TU on June 22nd at 6:30PM, to support their rent strike. We will go door-knocking to build up support amongst tenants in buildings on rent strike. All canvassers will receive training at the start.

The canvass will be nearby Weston Rd and Lawrence Ave W, exact location sent upon RSVP.