I believe in equal votes

To: Keir Starmer, Labour Party leader

At Labour Party Conference, delegates representing a whopping 80% of Labour Party members voted to support Proportional Representation (and every other major opposition party in Great Britain already backs fair votes).

But half the votes at Labour conference are cast by affiliated trade unions, most of whom have no policy on Proportional Representation. Heartbreakingly, the motion fell.

First Past the Post has done nothing to create the society that working people need, and many trade unionists are already working to bring their trade unions out in support of change. Working families don’t want votes that count less just because of their postcode.

Unions such as TSSA, BFAWU, the MU, and ASLEF have already joined the campaign for fair votes. But Keir Starmer is the most influential person in Labour and he hasn’t said a word in favour of PR since he was elected Labour leader.

Keir Starmer, it’s time to listen to your members, listen to the public, and speak up for Proportional Representation. If you do, your party and the public will unite around that demand.

Add your name to make clear to Keir Starmer: Everybody deserves a vote that counts equally, wherever you live and whoever you vote for.

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