2024 Primaries: Join the fight for Public Schools!

Vote with Educators

It's election time in Texas.

Students and educators need YOU to join the fight for thriving public schools.

The Texas economy only works when it works for middle- and working-class Texans. That means that the world's eighth-largest economy only succeeds when it works for the Texas public school employees, from teachers to counselors to bus drivers to child nutritionists.

The fact is it's not working right now. Rising costs and stagnant wages are holding our teachers and school staff back. And our state leaders are doing nothing about it.

Last year in the 88th Legislature:

  • Educators’ pay raises and school funding were held hostage as leverage for school vouchers, which would benefit the wealthy while starving our already underfunded neighborhood schools.
  • 84 legislators stood against Gov. Greg Abbott and his quest for a voucher program in the 88th Legislature. Abbott has now filled his coffers to support pro-voucher candidates running against these lawmakers, particularly rural Republicans.

The 88th Legislature has been a lost session for public education. Without significant educator engagement in the 2024 election cycle, the 89th Legislature could be its death knell.

Our members have told us that one of their biggest concerns is the lack of educator input into state-level policies like testing, school funding, licensure, and evaluation. And we see the results. Public school employees must participate in every level of the democratic process so they can have a voice at every table — at the school board, at the state Capitol, and in the halls of Congress.

And it all starts at the ballot box. Wherever decisions are made about us, they cannot be made without us. What can you do this year to fight for thriving Texas public schools? Let us know by signing up to volunteer with Texas AFT!

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