California YIMBY Legislative Priorities Survey

We want to know which of our sponsored legislation you’re most excited about, and hear any ideas you have for how we can spread the word about these amazing bills.

If you’re as excited as we are about tackling California’s housing shortage head on, take a few minutes to share your thoughts and ideas with California YIMBY.

As a reminder, here's a list of some of the bills we're supporting this year:
  • AB 946 - Eliminates the state Mortgage Interest Deduction for vacation homes, and uses the $230M in savings to help first-time homebuyers
  • AB 1401 - Eliminates expensive parking mandates for smaller projects, making it cheaper to build housing near transit
  • SB 9 - Allows homeowners to split their property into two lots and build two homes on each lot
  • SB 10 - Streamlines the planning process to allow cities to easily legalize buildings with 3 - 10 homes in non-sprawl areas
  • SB 477 - Collects data on state housing laws to determine their effectiveness, informing future housing policy
  • SB 478 - Prevents cities from using technicalities like floor-area ratios to block multi-family housing
  • SCA 2 - Places a measure on the ballot to repeal Article 34 of the state Constitution. Article 34 requires cities to hold a vote on low-income housing developments, which worsens racial and economic segregation
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