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Please share these links with all your friends

https://actionnetwork.org/forms/menu/ - Pollution Solution

https://actionnetwork.org/groups/corona-virus - Corona Virus

https://actionnetwork.org/groups/world-contact-day - World Contact Day

1 - Walk or cycle

2 - Turn it off - at home, work, school, shops, etc

3 - Promote solar and wind power

4 - Share car and taxi

5 - Google “Youtube Quant Water Powered Car” - Share

6 - Eat meat-free, Karma-free. Love and Respect all Lifestreams

7 - Eat locally-grown produce

8 - Eat organic

9 - Compost it

10 - Re-use

11 – Upcycle

12 - Recycle

13 – Plant a tree

https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-49266983?link_id=112&can_id=d54bf21612a22f7f84598f86f1fc4e7b&source=email-newsletter-28-murder-in-the-amazon&email_referrer=email_602282&email_subject=newsletter-28-murder-in-the-amazon -

Deforestation: Ethiopia planted 350 million trees in one day, preventing drought, flood, starvation, poverty, etc!

14 - Campaign for free or subsidised public transport -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_public_transport#Global_benefits

15 - Use Channel Tunnel, not plane

16 - Use LED or halogen bulbs

Don’t use “saver” bulbs. These fluorescent bulbs leak mercury and radiation, and they also pollute the environment when disposed of

17 – Ask supermarkets to give away cloth shopping bags for one month, then stop plastic bags altogether

18 – Share, or don’t buy, newspapers -

Buying newspapers destroys so many forests! There are fewer & fewer trees to clean more & more pollution!

19 – Meditate. Think positively

20 – Grow your own. Dig for victory

21 – Use https://www.freecycle.org/ -

- Get and give stuff totally free. Saves money, resources, waste, and pollution.

22 - URGENT - Scan the QR Code at the bottom, and share

All wars are engineered

Smart Meters

Take Back Your Power - 2017 - Award-winning Smart Meter Film.

Smart Meters don’t save energy; simply switching off does. They emit dangerous radiation 24/7 which can cause cancer etc, in a very short time in some cases.

Smart meter health effects:

In nearly every community around the world where wireless smart meters have been installed, a percentage of residents complain of health effects that started after installation. The residents often did not know that smart meters had been installed.

The most common symptoms are:

Headaches, insomnia, fatigue, tinnitus, heart arrhythmia/palpitations, decreased immune function, irritability, decreased cognitive function. The research certainly backs up the link between these symptoms and EMF (ElectroMagnetic Field) pollution.

Constant pulsing:

However, there seems to be something in particular about a wireless smart grid and smart meter that is causing a significant decrease in human health. It is most likely the erratic, high intensity pulses that wireless smart meters create. Some meters pulse up to 190,000 times per day (i.e. constant pulsing of more than 2 pulses per second, 24/7). These pulses travel nearly 2 miles and can conduct along all copper electrical wiring within a home and community. The pulses are then re-radiated into the living environment, which causes the above symptoms.


It’s not like we don’t have a choice of a harmful digital smart meter or a safe analogue meter.

Health, profit, privacy, safety:

Once you have a smart meter, energy companies often start overcharging, and sometimes by huge amounts. Smart Meters invade your privacy. Your movements and data etc are not safe or private. Smart meters don’t give accurate readings.

They are not safe and have caused thousands of fires in UK, USA, and many other countries. There have been mass protests in some countries because of the detrimental affects on people’s health, privacy, security, safety, finances, etc, and people have ripped the smart meters from their homes and destroyed them out of desperation.


Smart meters only last a few years, whereas the old analog meters lasted 20-30 years and were more accurate.  Beware that some energy companies are crafty and will fit a smart meter that LOOKS like an old analog meter. Energy companies are very pushy and they lie about all the above issues. Your electricity can be controlled remotely and can be interfered with and turned on or off, up or down, at a whim, as it suits energy companies’ profits. Smart meter systems are also prone to interference from criminals.


Smart Meters are not compulsory, but energy companies etc lie, and claim that they are. They are very pushy. Do not give in! You can get your own separate energy meter of your own accord which is under your control, does not damage your health, or affect your privacy. Obviously, you don’t need a meter anyway, because common sense tells you how to save energy and money – just switch off, for one! £20 billion of public money is being wasted on forcing ‘Smart’ Meters onto the uninformed, gullible public. Why isn’t clean green solar and wind power etc being ‘forced’ onto or given free to everyone?!

Children are more prone to the effects of radiation:

The latest energy company advertising campaign promoting ‘Smart’ Meters is aimed at young children who are interested in the climate change issue. This is child exploitation for profit etc. Don’t let them fool you! Watch the film and be informed! If you already have a smart meter and maybe didn’t even realise, get a private electrician to remove it and replace it with a safe analogue one. It is then YOUR property.

The “Sunshine Tax”:

Spain’s govt taxes the public for having solar panels. As a result, govts have destroyed the solar panel industry! How can govts claim to be ‘green’, or interested in helping the planet, or declare a global climate emergency? Govts and corporations are ONE.


Fracking and nuclear are expensive, dangerous, unnecessary, cause cancer etc, and they damage the planet and environment. There are so many alternative ways to produce energy which are safe, inexpensive, and non-polluting, but they are suppressed by energy companies and govts. Govts and corporations (who are ONE) don’t want the public to produce their own energy and affect their profit. The public’s ignorance, fear, and silence, is not helping the planet. It’s easy and essential to get informed and speak out.


Food, water, energy, and medicine, are very profitable for govts/corporations and they don’t like competition, so they dislike people who are informed on these issues. Profit means power. Power is generally misused.

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