A Call for #TimeToTransition Marches on Black Friday

It is time to act.

The People have spoken and voted for President Elect Joseph R. Biden and Vice President Elect Kamala Harris.

President Trump’s refusal to accept the results of the election that was determined to be the “most secure election in American history” is dangerous to our democracy, our safety, and our health.

Enough is enough.

It is time to begin the peaceful transition of power.

It is time to pass COVID-19 emergency relief now to all.

It is time to build beloved community through racial justice, equity, and peace.

It is time for all who choose democracy and honor our Constitution to unite to uphold them.

It is time to act.

Let’s move the nation #forwardtogether by joining a family-friendly, COVID-safe nonviolent march in your community on Black Friday, November 27, 2020. It is #TimetoTransition.

Join us Faith for Black Lives, CLUE, For All, and a growing coalition in nonviolent action to defend our vote and uphold democracy.

Sign up on this page to participate in or organize a march or action in your community.

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