A Call to Reform U.S. Foreign Policy

A Call to Reform U.S. Foreign Policy
  1. Whereas, American military personnel are being killed and wounded, and civilian casualties inflicted, in wars fought for purposes unrelated to America’s vital security interests, which the U.S. Government defines too broadly;
  2. Whereas, America’s military interventions in other countries have led to costly blowback and unintended consequences;
  3. Whereas, outdated Cold War alliances create tripwires that could compel the use of U.S. military force to resolve conflicts;
  4. Whereas, escalating tensions between the U.S. and other nuclear powers are moving our nations toward military confrontation and potential nuclear war;
  5. Whereas, erosion of civil liberties long held dear by Americans, including freedom from warrantless surveillance, searches and seizures, has accelerated with passage of the USA Patriot Act in 2001, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012, and the USA Freedom Act of 2015;
  6. Whereas, in a post-Cold War era, the U.S. can safely reduce its security budget by developing a new and more relevant strategy for right-sizing the military to better deal with 21st century security needs; and
  7. Whereas, a healthy U.S. economy is critical to an effective security program but is now put at risk by the trillion dollar annual national security budget that contributes to an $18 trillion plus national debt;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Government of the United States should immediately begin a transition to a foreign policy that includes:

  1. Rejecting the role of “policeman of the world,” ceasing military and covert intervention in the affairs of foreign countries, and using military force only when absolutely necessary to protect U.S. sovereignty, territory, and vital interests, narrowly defined;
  2. Substantially reducing the more than 700 U.S. military installations around the world;
  3. Curtailing the bloated military budget, allowing resources to be redirected towards cutting the deficit, cutting taxes, investing in America, or any other use as Americans see fit;
  4. Reducing the size of the U.S. nuclear arsenal to a minimum deterrent level, and fully supporting the implementation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty;
  5. Emphasizing diplomacy, law, and cooperation in international relations and dispute resolution;
  6. Upholding civil liberties guaranteed by the Constitution; and
  7. Reining in executive military action, recognizing that war powers reside solely in the legislative branch.