Danes Moss Community Consultation

With 1/3 of Danes Moss being at risk of development, Cheshire Wildlife Trust asked 320 people for their thoughts on the future of the area. An overwhelming number of people said 'protecting nature' should be the number one priority for Danes Moss (93%) with 'restoring nature to tackle climate change' a close second (80%).
Alongside the Save Danes Moss group, we have used these views to set out what an alternative future for the site could look like. In this vision, Danes Moss would form an important carbon store and nature-rich green space close to the town for all to enjoy.
Now we want you views on our vision. Please let us know your thoughts on the above drawing by the New Year (a text version is provided below).
A vision for Danes Moss
Danes Moss North
- Restore peat habitats by re-wetting the land and re-introducing sphagnum moss.
- Conserve historic moss rooms by retaining hedgerows and rewetting the strips between.
- Create conditions for the expansion of wet woodland along southern boundary to expand willow tit habitat.
- Divert paths within the wet woodland to protect the habitat.
- Retain the mosaic of wildlife-rich grasslands, hedgerows and small groups of trees to a provide a range of habitats.
- Provide a network of paths and boardwalks within the site that link to viewing platforms and bird hides.
Danes Moss former landfill site
- Maintain the site as habitat for ground nesting birds and as a butterfly population recovery site by creating suitable habitats for target butterfly species (dingy skipper, small heath, common blue, brimstone, green hairstreak and wall brown).
Danes Moss South and West
- Create a new footpath running from the Nature Reserve up to Turf Lane to make the reserve more accessible from the town.
- Improve the condition of the peatlands in the south and west by securing better management of the northern section of the SSSI.
- Explore better ecological connectivity of Danes Moss Nature Reserve with Danes Moss North.
- Work with surrounding landowners to protect and restore the remaining peatlands.
- Improve access throughout the site for all to enjoy.
Link to wider nature recovery network
- Create and enhance habitats to link Danes Moss with the ‘wild belt’ around Macclesfield.
- Incorporate existing corridors in the east along the Macclesfield Canal and the Middlewood Way with links to Tegg’s Nose, Macclesfield Forest and the Peak District.
- Explore the potential to connect willow tit populations at Danes Moss with that population at Rudyard Lake by creating areas of continuous cover south along Macclesfield Canal to Bosley and along the disused railway line south of Bosley in partnership with Canals and Rivers Trust.
- Create habitats within areas of new sustainable housing to provide ecological links around the town to the green spaces of the Leisure Centre, schools and golf courses to the west and north.
The town fringe at Moss Lane
- Create shared space traffic management along Moss Lane to reduce noise and pollution and create a safe route for pedestrians and cyclists.
- Plant street trees to create a ‘green route’ along the southern edge of the town. The ‘green route’ would also provide a safer connection to Danes Moss for communities on the north side of Moss Lane.