No Dirty Deals

The Biden administration is currently supporting harmful energy projects like liquefied natural gas (LNG), Biomass Energy, and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) that threaten our environment and public health in the Gulf South .

These projects cause significant environmental damage by increasing greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and pollution, contributing to climate change and harming wildlife. Communities near these facilities face higher rates of respiratory illnesses, cancer, and other health problems due to toxic pollution. While the Gulf South suffers, large corporations profit, and the promised economic benefits have not reached local communities. However, there are better alternatives available. Renewable energy sources like wind and solar can create jobs, reduce emissions, and promote a healthier environment.

Our petition demands that the Biden administration end federal support for LNG, Biomass, and CCS projects, invest in renewable energy solutions, protect vulnerable communities with stronger regulations, and support a just transition for workers from fossil fuel industries to renewable energy sectors.

By signing this petition, you will urge President Biden and his administration to prioritize genuine environmental solutions and stop supporting harmful projects. Together, we can lead the nation towards a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future.

Message to President Biden and the Biden Administration :

We call on the Biden administration to protect our environment and public health by halting the promotion and development of false solutions such as LNG (liquefied natural gas), biomass energy, and carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the Gulf South. These projects have proven harmful to both the environment and the communities living in the region.

Environmental Impact: LNG, biomass, and CCS projects contribute significantly to environmental degradation. LNG operations release large amounts of greenhouse gases, exacerbating climate change. Biomass energy, often touted as renewable, leads to deforestation and air pollution, while CCS remains an unproven technology with potential long-term risks. These industries threaten the Gulf South’s ecosystems and biodiversity, undermining efforts to combat climate change.

Community Health: The expansion of these industries poses serious health risks to local communities, especially marginalized and low-income populations. Residents living near LNG and biomass facilities face higher rates of respiratory illnesses, cancer, and other health issues due to exposure to toxic pollutants. This environmental injustice disproportionately affects vulnerable communities, exacerbating existing health disparities.

Economic Injustice: The Gulf South bears the brunt of the negative impacts of these industries, while the promised economic benefits often fail to materialize for local communities. Profits are funneled to large corporations, leaving behind pollution and health problems. Investing in truly sustainable energy sources can provide more equitable economic benefits, creating jobs and fostering healthier communities.

Viable Alternatives: There are more sustainable and equitable alternatives available. Renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and geothermal power offer sustainable and long-term benefits without harming the environment or public health. Investing in these technologies can create jobs, reduce emissions, and promote a healthier environment, aligning with the administration’s climate goals.

Our Demands:

  1. End Support for Harmful Projects: Immediately cease all federal support, subsidies, and permits for LNG, biomass, and CCS projects in the Gulf South. Redirect these resources towards truly renewable energy solutions that offer sustainable and equitable benefits.

  2. Invest in Renewable Energy: Focus on expanding renewable energy infrastructure, such as wind, solar, and geothermal power. These technologies can meet our energy needs while protecting the environment and public health.

  3. Protect Vulnerable Communities: Implement stronger regulations and protections for communities affected by industrial pollution. Prioritize environmental justice in all energy and environmental policies to ensure that no community bears an undue burden of pollution.

  4. Promote a Just Transition: Develop and support programs that provide training and employment opportunities in the renewable energy sector for workers transitioning from fossil fuel industries. A just transition is essential to ensure that all Americans benefit from the shift to a sustainable energy future.

The Biden administration has a unique opportunity to lead the nation towards a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future. By prioritizing genuine environmental solutions and ending support for harmful false solutions, we can protect our planet and ensure the well-being of all Americans.

Form by
Aaliyah Smith
Birmingham, Georgia