Act Out!

If you're a young person outraged and angered by "Don't Say Gay or Trans," the gutting of honest sex ed, drag and gender-affirming care bans, and other anti-LGBTQ attacks — you're not alone. If you don't know what to do, don't worry. That's where Advocates for Youth comes in.

Introducing Act Out, a new national network of young people helping each other organize to fight back against LGBTQ hate. Young people are the target of these hateful laws, and we are energized and ready to fight back! We’re ready to act out for equality, act out for justice, act out for our lives and the safety of our communities and our friends.

Young people ages 14-24 can sign up to join Act Out on this page. Advocates for Youth will then provide:

  1. A central hub where outraged young people can find resources to help them plan actions or campaigns for LGBTQ+ rights.
  2. Access to our Training Series focused on skills you need to organize protests, walkouts, and campaigns to win LGBTQ equality and justice at school, in your state, and in our country.
  3. A nationally connected Slack workgroup for youth activists across the country. The goal is to support each other, plan actions, and strategize all year long. And we'll continue to provide trainings on topics you tell us you need more expertise on.
  4. Regular email updates on where we are in the fight for LGBTQ equality, justice, and liberation. We may organize an optional Zoom call from time to time if there is a major update we want to discuss, but we will mostly email.

Young people are the targets of these hateful attacks. Just wait until these politicians find out what happens when young people fight back. Sign up to join today.

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