Act together 4 warm homes

Do you want to see our government get serious about climate change AND people in fuel poverty?

Will you commit a regular 5 mins a week to help push for UK government action to:

  • insulate our homes (reducing carbon emissions and energy bills)
  • prioritise affordable home-grown renewable energy generation (reducing energy bills and carbon emissions)
  • stop supporting the fossil fuel industry (fueling climate change and expensive energy)
  • provide real financial support for people in fuel poverty right now?

We (Climate Action L+L) are one of thousands of groups and people working together across the UK to push our current (and next) government to make this happen. To be effective, the UK’s government and political parties need to hear again and again from a huge number of people that we want action which will tackle climate change AND fuel poverty. Which means we need people to act together and be persisent.

Will you commit 5 minutes a week and join our Act Together 4 Warm Homes WhatsApp group by filling in this form?

Here’s what it involves:

1.       Join our Act Together 4 Warm Homes WhatsApp group by filling in this form.

2.       Choose a time in your week when you can reliably give 5 minutes to take action – and ideally set a recurring alarm on your phone so it reminds you to do it!

3.       Do the week's action! Check our Act Together for Warm Homes WhatsApp group when your alarm goes off. Each week we will post a quick action which you can do there and then to add your voice to the pressure on the government to act. It might be an online petition or letter to sign, a video to share on your own social media, a text you can send to a friend, or something else. It will always be related to the basic campaign asks, and should typically take less than 5 minutes for you to act on.

4.       Once you’ve done the action, put a thumbs up on the WhatsApp group. This shows us how many people are taking part (are we becoming more effective?) and encourages others in the group to act too.

How many people can we get to join us and act every week to help make warm climate friendly homes become a reality for everyone in the UK? Let’s find out!