Speak Up for the Promise Act and the Cherish Act

Click here to find the phone number for your state representative. Make the call using the script below, and then fill out this form on the right side of this page to let us know whether or not they will commit to support our students and our schools.

The following is a phone script you can use to call your legislators:

Please feel free to modify it but be sure to mention the bill names: the Promise Act and the Cherish Act.

Hello, I am trying to reach Representative/Senator _______ to talk about two crucial bills to support students and public education in Massachusetts.

Once you are connected to the appropriate legislator or staff member, you can use the script below:

I am an educator/parent/student/other and a strong supporter of the Promise and Cherish Acts, which would increase funding for our public schools and colleges by more than $1.5 billion a year. The Education Committee may release a new school funding bill this month.

I am asking you to let the chair of that committee know that you strongly support implementing all of the recommendations of the Foundation Budget Review Commission, including fully funding the increase for low-income students. It should also provide relief to districts that lose a lot of money to charter schools

[Talk briefly about why this issue is important to you and give the legislator a chance to respond.]

In addition, I am asking you to let the chair of the Higher Education Committee know of your strong support for the Cherish Act. This bill is badly needed to reduce student debt and to support needed services on our campuses.

[Talk briefly about why this issue is important to you and give the legislator a chance to respond.]

Thank you!

Once you have spoken to one of your legislators, don’t forget to call the other! All residents are represented by both a representative and a senator.

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