Help Us Pass The Insulin For All Act!

Many people with diabetes, including everyone with Type 1, require insulin to stay alive and healthy. The cost of insulin has increased over 1200% since the 1990s, despite the drug being almost 100 years old. And the "big three" manufacturers who own more than 90% of the market have raised their prices in lockstep.

Insulin should be accessible and affordable for all Illinoisans, especially those who depend on it for survival. Add your name to this petition and tell the Illinois General Assembly to pass the Insulin For All Act now!

Right now, State Rep. Will Guzzardi is the chair of the Prescription Drug Affordability Committee in the Illinois General Assembly. He believes that we need to cap the co-pays for insulin patients and we need to create an emergency insulin program so people in a crisis can get a temporary insulin supply. He's working in the legislature to pass a bill this year that gets us one step closer to affordable insulin for everyone.

This legislation is an important step forward for making sure every Illinoisan can afford their essential medicine. But it won't be an easy fight to get it passed: drug companies and Pharma lobbyists hate the idea of cutting their profits one cent, even if it means saving lives. That's why we need your help. Will you sign on as a public co-sponsor of our bill to show Illinois demands #Insulin4All?
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