Add Your Name: Stand up for Progressive Values at Daily Kos

On Thursday, January 12th, Daily Kos management informed the Daily Kos Guild that they were planning to lay off 20-30% of the staff across the company. Now, the Daily Kos Guild calls on all allies and friends in the progressive movement to support us in calling on management to:

    • enter into and honor good faith negotiations with the Daily Kos Guild about layoffs and allow the Daily Kos Guild to work with management to avoid cuts to personnel;

    • be honest and transparent about the organization's financial status, including an audit of Daily Kos finances by CWA financial analysts and an independent audit of Daily Kos finances;

    • keep "news you can do something about"—Daily Kos' mission—and the Daily Kos Community and activism at the heart of any decision about the organization's future.

    Tell Daily Kos to uphold its mission, values, and commitment to working people.

    Add Your Name: Stand up for Progressive Values at Daily Kos

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