AFT Nurses and Health Professionals Conference

Virtual Lobby Day

This week, nurses and health professionals from across the nation are weighing in on important issues that affect our patients, our delivery system and our professions. No matter where we are, we need to make sure our voices are heard in Washington, D.C. this week.

Whether it’s fighting for Patients Before Profits, public health infrastructure and preparedness or workplace issues, like staffing ratios and safe patient handling; your voice is critical to moving legislation forward.

The challenges that affect our patients, our work and our communities are many. And every voice counts. Click on each of the actions below.

Safe staffing

» Sign the letter

Pharmaceutical prices

» Sign the letter

Nurses for Under-Resourced Schools Everywhere Act

» Sign the letter

FTC/Hospital Closure

» Sign the letter

Safe Patient Handling

» Sign the letter

Clean water

» Sign the letter

Zika, Opioid, Flint - Public Health Crises

» Sign the letter

National Nurse Act

» Sign the letter

Demand a vote on the nomination on Mary Katherine Wakefield

» Sign the letter

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