I Commit to Wearing my #RespectUs Button!

We are urging our elected school board members to adopt our "Contract for Respect" that provides all Alief ISD employees with fair pay and reasonable workloads. Since Alief ISD's Board of Trustees meets on Tuesdays, we are asking everyone to wear our #RespectUs campaign button every Tuesday to support our campaign.

Help by taking action now!

  • Use our form to sign up to wear our #RespectUs button every Tuesday.
  • Our union will deliver our free campaign button to you.
  • Take photos of you and your co-workers wearing your buttons, and share them in social media. Use hashtags #RespectUs #OurWorkIsPowerful
  • Learn more about our campaign by clicking here

Join our campaign to win respect. Join Alief AFTSE - "Together we have a voice; together we make a difference."

We need your help to win respect, to win a real pay raise, and to improve the working conditions of all Alief ISD employees. Joining Alief AFTSE means that you and your family will have the power and tools to advocate for a better future.

Scan our QR codes TO JOIN ALIEF AFTSE:

Click Here to Join Using Payroll Deduction | Click Here to Join Using Bank Draft

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