Allies and Accomplices: Pledge to Show up for the Undocumented Community

The results of the November 8th election have put millions of people in this country at risk. Hundreds of thousands of people stand to lose their protective statuses granted by President Obama like DACA and TPS, and just became prime new targets for deportation. Trump does not need to pass a single new law in order to deport 11 million people- it falls entirely under his executive power.

Trump has already promised to deport 2-3 million people in his first 120 days. Some have already packed their suitcases so that they are ready when immigration enforcement raids their homes or workplaces. This is not an abstract threat - this is mothers who will never hug their children again, children who will be put in foster care, this is families who are scared to send their children to school, this is people who are trapped in detention and can’t put food on the table.

We cannot know exactly what Trump's enforcement will look like, and how we will be called to respond. But we know we must stand up to protect undocumented families from deportations. This could mean refusing to allow ICE to enter into restaurants, supermarkets, and schools. It could mean providing sanctuary to undocumented families in our homes and places of worship. It could mean taking direct action to stop deportations.

Movimiento Cosecha is calling on allies and accomplices to join the movement and show up to provide sanctuary at homes, schools, and places of worship, support immigrant workers' boycotts and strikes, and take direct action to expose and resist the raids, detentions, and deportations. Under a Trump Administration, immigration agents will be bolder than ever - it’s time for allies and accomplices to show up for some of this country's most vulnerable residents and put themselves between undocumented families and immigration enforcement.

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