Apply for the Green Party Women Committee

Green Party Women Committee Candidates form

Please apply by 5pm on Thursday 16th of December

The Green Party Women Committee aims to provide a strong supportive network to enable women in the party to meet and build campaigns, share interests, experiences and ideas.

All roles can be done as a job share. Both candidates will need to complete an application form.

You can take a look at the committee role descriptions here.

Please make sure to read the instructions and complete the form in full.

Each candidate must be a fully-paid-up member of GPEW in good standing, and must be nominated and seconded by members of Green Party Women. Please ensure you have permission to add nominator details before you submit this form.

Candidate statement
Please tell us a bit about yourself and why you would like to stand. (200 words max for a single candidate). Job sharing candidates can chose whether to send in a joint candidate statement (max 250 words) or write separate statements (max 125 words each).
Please add the name of the person you are standing with to your candidate statement.

Please send a photo which will be added to your candidate statement to

Equality and Diversity
Candidates are requested to complete an Equality and Diversity monitoring form. This is just to assess whether we are a sufficiently diverse committee

The timetable for the election is here

Rules governing the election
The rules for the election compiled by the ERO's are here. Please ensure that you read and adhere to them.

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