Become a Member of CAWFP

The California Working Families Party is the grassroots party for the multiracial working class, fighting to make California care for all its people, not just the wealthy and well connected.

We are recruiting and training the next generation of progressive leaders to run for office and win, and we’re building a movement to work with our elected champions to fight for the future we deserve. Together, we’re fighting for economic justice, racial justice and climate justice. We believe we can transform California to work for all of us.

WFP is a multiracial party that fights for workers over bosses and people over the powerful. If you’re fed up with billionaire-driven politics as usual, we invite you to find a political home in the California WFP and get involved in making the change you want to see.

If you’re with us in this fight, let us know by signing on and joining the Working Families Party today: