Become a member of Renters United Philadelphia

Why join Renters United Philadelphia? Because when renters unite we achieve more together.

To become a member, you must:

  • Be a renter.
  • Demonstrate willingness to organize other renters in your building or community.
  • Agree to the core values of Renters United Philadelphia (below).

Currently membership is free. In the future, members will be required to make monthly dues payment between $5 and $30. If you cannot afford this amount, then you can join without paying dues but you must renew your membership every 6 months.

As a member you will receive:

  • The backing of a community that will fight with you for your housing rights.
  • A right to vote at campaign assemblies.
  • Assistance connecting to legal help.
  • Access to ongoing trainings about your legal rights and political education.
  • Opportunities for legal consultation

Renters United: Philadelphia Core Values[1]

HOUSING IS A HUMAN RIGHT. Housing should be built & maintained to meet the needs of communities and provide stability for families and individuals, not create enormous profit for corporations.

WE GET FREE TOGETHER. Renters United Philadelphia is open to people of all races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, ages, immigration status, able-bodiedness, religious and spiritual beliefs, and who speak all languages. We do not tolerate bigotry within our organization.

GRASSROOTS DEMOCRACY. We make decisions democratically, collectively and transparently, grounded in trust for each other. When differences or conflict arise we engage in honest, face-to-face and respectful dialogue to try to build understanding and unity so we can move forward.

COLLECTIVE ACTION. We take collective action side-by-side with others to take a stand against unjust laws and policies, defend each other against displacement and shine a light on corporations and individuals who harm our communities.

[1] These core values are borrowed from the Homes for All Green Book.