Be a Poll Worker!

The 2023 election is right around the corner. Free, fair, and accessible elections are vital to Pennsylvania democracy, and the state needs poll workers to assist our voters on election day. Poll workers are a crucial part of every election. They work to verify voter registrations, set up and run polling locations, and assist voters with the in-person voting process. They also settle election law disputes at each location. The state is in need of poll workers for this election season. Working the polls is a wonderful way to get involved in your community and to protect Pennsylvania elections.

Poll Workers are democracy’s essential workers.

This is a great opportunity to serve your community and enable your neighbors to make their voices heard. Elections can’t happen without poll workers, and Pennsylvania needs over 40,000 people to work in every election! Poll workers must be registered to vote in their county, or be 17 years old with proper permission

Sign up on the right to indicate your interest in serving as a poll worker in PA and receive updates and resources to help you prepare.